Another blog dedicated to fashion and style

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


As you see, my Dear readers,I`m really desparate. I either don`t have time to take photos, or don`t have anyone by my side to take photos of me and that`s the reason why I haven`t updated my blog for ages.That`s why I took a pic of myself in the mirror. It`s pathetic, I know, but I couldn`t keep you waiting any longer. 
Say hello to my new semi-cardigan,semi-dress.(btw something twisted on the right side of my face is not my right eyebrow, it`s a camera strap).
Is it getting warmer already?


  1. не лишний ли шарф? нравится сочетание цветов.
    пс - а Алина с тобой водном колледже учится? она тоже так же убивается этими эссе или только ты?

  2. да,в одном.)нет,не так.у неё совсем другие предметы
